Vocabulary of technology:
Browse: Navegar
Stream: Corriente
Update: Actualizar
Scroll: Deslizar de arriba a abajo
Swipe: Desplazar de derecha a izquierda
Vocabulary about adjetives: Other adjetives of personality:
Efficient/ inefficient: Eficaz/ineficaz Warm: Cariñoso
Reliable/ unreliable: fiable/de poca confianza Pleasant: Agradable
Useful/ useless : Útil/ Inútil Cold: Distante
Unpleasant: Desagradable
Vocabulary about sports: Reserved: Apartado
Kayaking: Piraguismo Easy-going: Relajada
Trail biking: Gloomy: Melancólico
Wakeboard: tabla de ski acuático Caring: Empático
Tactless: Insensible
Vocabulary about preposition: Liar: Mentiroso
Try out: Probar Flexible: Adaptable
Catch up: Alcanzar Open-minded: De mentalidad abierta
Pick up: Recoger Narrow-minded: De mentalidad cerrada
Take up: Comenzar
Miss out: Omitir
Vocabulary of Unit 1
Supportive: Giving help or encouragement
Truthful: Honest person
Dependable: That you can trust
Sympathetic:Showing that you understand people feelings
Eager: Really wanting to do something